I think I'm going to start sending this instead of the common 'LOL' on texts... What do you think?!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Eff... Marry... Kill
Linking up today with Heather from Blonde...Undercover Blonde for a new linkup.

What would you do to these 3 men (and hopefully, not all together, hehe)
What would you do with these people?!
Mark Wahlberg (personally: definitely MARRY this one)
Robert Pattinson (personally: definitely KILL- I just don't get all the fuss)
Channing Tatum (definitely EFF this one. I can only imagine this mmm...)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Fun in the sun
This weekend was fun, and crazy to say the least.
Saturday I went out to the local Dive pond for a weekend event. The owner did a fundraiser for the Dive Pirates, which is an organization for disabled Vets to come together and be able to scuba dive without feeling disabled. I think it's really neat! Different people put teams together and cooked chili and came up with pirate themed names, we went scuba diving on an under-water scavenger hunt, in which I ended up winning a diving skin suit, which I'll never wear, but it's still cool to win! ha.On my way out, I was trying my darndest to find some fall-colored treets, but unfortunately, all I saw were charcoaled trees from the fires we had a couple months ago. :/
Sunday, after waking up at 8 to do homework for a few hours, I drove down to my parents' - 2 hours away- for my niece's 4th birthday party. I cannot believe she's already (soon to be) 4. wow where has the time gone?! My cousins were nice enough to bring two of their horses for the party, since Austynn insisted she was having horsies. She almost has my brother convinced to buy a horse for her.
Saturday I went out to the local Dive pond for a weekend event. The owner did a fundraiser for the Dive Pirates, which is an organization for disabled Vets to come together and be able to scuba dive without feeling disabled. I think it's really neat! Different people put teams together and cooked chili and came up with pirate themed names, we went scuba diving on an under-water scavenger hunt, in which I ended up winning a diving skin suit, which I'll never wear, but it's still cool to win! ha.On my way out, I was trying my darndest to find some fall-colored treets, but unfortunately, all I saw were charcoaled trees from the fires we had a couple months ago. :/
Sunday, after waking up at 8 to do homework for a few hours, I drove down to my parents' - 2 hours away- for my niece's 4th birthday party. I cannot believe she's already (soon to be) 4. wow where has the time gone?! My cousins were nice enough to bring two of their horses for the party, since Austynn insisted she was having horsies. She almost has my brother convinced to buy a horse for her.
And just for fun, I must add a picture of the baby and me! ( don't mind all those mosquito bites on her poor little face :( )
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I have had a crack on my floor since I moved into this house sept. 2010. Landlord kept saying it's not a big deal, just deal with it.
and then this happened to me....
its darn ugly, but at least it's solid for once.
and then this happened to me....
I feel through, sorta. He's dang lucky I did't hurt myself!!!!! so, I called the landlord and two days later the owner came out to fix it. this is what my floor now looks like:
Friday, October 21, 2011
Walking tall
Something totally interesting I found on the web today.
A fish… with hands?!
I always said I wanted to go back to Australia one day to dive again, maybe I’ll plan my diving around finding a walking fish. How cool would that be?!!
A fish… with hands?!
I always said I wanted to go back to Australia one day to dive again, maybe I’ll plan my diving around finding a walking fish. How cool would that be?!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
I'm still amazed
That’s the number of years I have lived in this greatcountry state. And I am still not used to the rapid weather changes, and the cooler air and the dryer climate.
Yesterday I forgot I was warned it would be ‘winter attire’ day, until I walked outside to head to work. The 15 mph wind bout blew me away, and the 50 degree weather caused me to freeze on my front porch for a minute.
Today it's even colder.
Even my puppy was was cold.
Today, I remembered. I got to wear my cute wintery boots with my skirt. Yay!
Saturday it’s supposed to be back in the 80’s, I hope so. I had a day planned to spend it outside for a chili cook-off, and some diving with new friends. Let’s hope the water stayed warm through this burst of coldness we are experiencing.
That’s the number of years I have lived in this great
Yesterday I forgot I was warned it would be ‘winter attire’ day, until I walked outside to head to work. The 15 mph wind bout blew me away, and the 50 degree weather caused me to freeze on my front porch for a minute.
Today it's even colder.
Even my puppy was was cold.
Today, I remembered. I got to wear my cute wintery boots with my skirt. Yay!
Saturday it’s supposed to be back in the 80’s, I hope so. I had a day planned to spend it outside for a chili cook-off, and some diving with new friends. Let’s hope the water stayed warm through this burst of coldness we are experiencing.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Weekend Recap
man I have been busy over the past few weekends for sure!
Friday night I went to my parents', and what should have been a 1.5 hr drive turned into a 5 hour drive, so I didn't get home until after 2:30 AM. They completely blocked off the highway due to a multi-car wreck.
Saturday morning I had a wake-up call at 7 am from my neice, she was happy to see me and Dude (the dog). We headed off to the Fair parade where me and two of my aunts were the judges on the floats. That was pretty neat! Got a free t-shirt out of it. who doesn't love free t-shirts?!!
Then I convinced my whole family to go out for lunch for some awesome italian food. mmmm mmmmmm! After that I headed to my friend's baby shower.
In the evening I worked on a paper, and attempted to feed my baby niece, and change her diaper. At this point, I realized a) I havent' changed a diaper since my 15 year old cousin was a baby and I couldn't remember how, and b) my baby is going to starve to death because apparently I'm doing something wrong with feeding Brynnlei and Mom had to come to the rescue. haha.
then went to the fair with my brother, sis-in-law, an her sister and boyfriend. It was interesting to say the least. My brother gave me a pass so I got in free at what would have cost $15. I had my fair corn dog, and saw a picture of my sis-in-law in the art exhibit where her face won 3rd place.
We went to see the Eli Young Band play that evening, where me and my brother managed to sneak backstage for the concert. now THAT was cool. Would have been cooler if we stayed until the band was done playing, but my everyone else was ready to go before they were done.
Sunday I worked on my paper some more, and went back home. again, a 1.5 hour drive home turned into a 3.5 hour drive, thanks to stalled cars and road construction causing a 4 lane highway to merge into one lane only. sheesh!! But then I got to town and met up with some friends for some volleyball, and then we sat and talked for a good 3 hours or so. that was nice.
Friday night I went to my parents', and what should have been a 1.5 hr drive turned into a 5 hour drive, so I didn't get home until after 2:30 AM. They completely blocked off the highway due to a multi-car wreck.
Saturday morning I had a wake-up call at 7 am from my neice, she was happy to see me and Dude (the dog). We headed off to the Fair parade where me and two of my aunts were the judges on the floats. That was pretty neat! Got a free t-shirt out of it. who doesn't love free t-shirts?!!
Then I convinced my whole family to go out for lunch for some awesome italian food. mmmm mmmmmm! After that I headed to my friend's baby shower.
In the evening I worked on a paper, and attempted to feed my baby niece, and change her diaper. At this point, I realized a) I havent' changed a diaper since my 15 year old cousin was a baby and I couldn't remember how, and b) my baby is going to starve to death because apparently I'm doing something wrong with feeding Brynnlei and Mom had to come to the rescue. haha.
then went to the fair with my brother, sis-in-law, an her sister and boyfriend. It was interesting to say the least. My brother gave me a pass so I got in free at what would have cost $15. I had my fair corn dog, and saw a picture of my sis-in-law in the art exhibit where her face won 3rd place.
We went to see the Eli Young Band play that evening, where me and my brother managed to sneak backstage for the concert. now THAT was cool. Would have been cooler if we stayed until the band was done playing, but my everyone else was ready to go before they were done.
Sunday I worked on my paper some more, and went back home. again, a 1.5 hour drive home turned into a 3.5 hour drive, thanks to stalled cars and road construction causing a 4 lane highway to merge into one lane only. sheesh!! But then I got to town and met up with some friends for some volleyball, and then we sat and talked for a good 3 hours or so. that was nice.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Where have I been?!
I know! I know. I've been a little absent lately. I normally get on here during the week, however, at work we all get slammed hard the last couple of weeks, and I don't even have time to drink my hot chocolate anymore!! (I know it's only 80-90's degrees right now, but it's freeeezing in the office so it's justified, right?!)With working too much, and doing school stuff and tax stuff on the evenings, and a lot of family and friend events on the weekend, it's hard to fit everything in that I need. I'll try to do better, promise.
This past weekend me and my aunt threw a 'Meet the Baby' Baby Shower for the family, for my sister-in-law, Candis, and her beautiful baby Brynnlei. I took a few pictures. It turned out really well. I came up with this great idea that each person that showed up would paint, or decorate, a letter in her name, and we would write a message on the back and sign it. I was really impressed that the talent everyone showed. Austynn (who will be 4 in less than a month-EEK!!) wanted to paint her letter red, so she dumped a whole bottle of paint on it. bahaha. Then she wanted to add a little bit of yellow, so she dumped a bottle of yellow, on top of the 4 inch thick wet red she had on there already. Her letter, when we touched it up after she was finished, turned out to be a baby blue color. she had the 'L'.
This past weekend me and my aunt threw a 'Meet the Baby' Baby Shower for the family, for my sister-in-law, Candis, and her beautiful baby Brynnlei. I took a few pictures. It turned out really well. I came up with this great idea that each person that showed up would paint, or decorate, a letter in her name, and we would write a message on the back and sign it. I was really impressed that the talent everyone showed. Austynn (who will be 4 in less than a month-EEK!!) wanted to paint her letter red, so she dumped a whole bottle of paint on it. bahaha. Then she wanted to add a little bit of yellow, so she dumped a bottle of yellow, on top of the 4 inch thick wet red she had on there already. Her letter, when we touched it up after she was finished, turned out to be a baby blue color. she had the 'L'.
She's totally smiling at me, at only 1 month and 1 day old ;) |
Excuse my 'ladies'. the angle this pic was taken, I was not prepared for |
And this was taken at an earlier date, I just LOVE how the photo came out!! This was on my way to work one morning.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
My new 'do
so- I am naturally dark brown, I think... for the last 2-3 years, I have been adding blonde highlights to my hair, and I even attempted to go complete blonde, didn't like that one too much, so I went back to highlights. then last week I noticed something.... something awful. could it be?! indeed it was. a GREY hair!! at 27, and no kids, I have grey hair?! It was definitely time to cover them up. and I didn't have the $80 to get my roots done in blonde again, so I did the next best thing. I ran to Sally's -more like drove, very fast- and bought a box of color, and proceeded to do it myself at home. After turning my procelain bathtub maroon, and my sink maroon, and part of my floor maroon, I was finished with my hair. I have to say, I am loving this darker look, I have missed it.
Before |
After |
Monday, October 3, 2011
Weekend Recap
So I haven’t been around for the last week. I didn’t really have much of anything interesting to write about I suppose.
I had an interesting weekend. Busy at least, which is always good.
Friday started out normal. Work. Hectically busy at work. After work I had a 3 hour class to attend. What fun Fridays I have!! After Class I went to a concert and saw Vertical Horizon and Taking Back Sunday (Did I mention this was a FREE concert?!!) It was awesome. No one was there so I was so close ha. (pic taken from my phone so kinda crappy) I get home and clean. I have a special guest coming to visit tomorrow and I needed my house to look spotless.
Saturday my favorite Aunt comes to visit me. It’s also the day of our annual Fair on the Square in town, so we spent the late morning/early afternoon walking around looking at vendors’ crafty items for sale. It was neat. I found a few things I thought were really fascinating, including a Coke Tabs jewelry, I later found out was created by a 12 year old!!! So cool!
After that we went shopping at Hobby Lobby and Target for some baby stuff for my Sister in law’s ‘Meet the Baby’ shower we are throwing this coming weekend. (and she bought ME a crock-pot too. So excited!!) In the evening my and my doggies laid around while I worked on homework. Then my psycho bi-polar dog went nuts on me. Sometimes I wonder how she’s still alive with her attitude like it is!!
Sunday I woke up early and spent the morning doing homework. Yuck! Then my friend texted and asked me to come hang out with him, which I did, of course :P I took my bottle of Whipped Vodka with me for fun. Probably shouldn’t have done that, now that it’s Monday and I’m feeling the wraths of that mixed with beer. :/ We hung out outside on such a beautiful sunny day. My friend played his guitar and we just sat around. Towards the end of the night, however, our married friends decided they wanted to get in an argument, which resulted in the cops coming and taking the husband away. : ( It wasn’t pleasant and very awkward to witness it all. I’m sure they will work out it in the end though.
I had an interesting weekend. Busy at least, which is always good.
Friday started out normal. Work. Hectically busy at work. After work I had a 3 hour class to attend. What fun Fridays I have!! After Class I went to a concert and saw Vertical Horizon and Taking Back Sunday (Did I mention this was a FREE concert?!!) It was awesome. No one was there so I was so close ha. (pic taken from my phone so kinda crappy) I get home and clean. I have a special guest coming to visit tomorrow and I needed my house to look spotless.
Saturday my favorite Aunt comes to visit me. It’s also the day of our annual Fair on the Square in town, so we spent the late morning/early afternoon walking around looking at vendors’ crafty items for sale. It was neat. I found a few things I thought were really fascinating, including a Coke Tabs jewelry, I later found out was created by a 12 year old!!! So cool!
After that we went shopping at Hobby Lobby and Target for some baby stuff for my Sister in law’s ‘Meet the Baby’ shower we are throwing this coming weekend. (and she bought ME a crock-pot too. So excited!!) In the evening my and my doggies laid around while I worked on homework. Then my psycho bi-polar dog went nuts on me. Sometimes I wonder how she’s still alive with her attitude like it is!!
Sunday I woke up early and spent the morning doing homework. Yuck! Then my friend texted and asked me to come hang out with him, which I did, of course :P I took my bottle of Whipped Vodka with me for fun. Probably shouldn’t have done that, now that it’s Monday and I’m feeling the wraths of that mixed with beer. :/ We hung out outside on such a beautiful sunny day. My friend played his guitar and we just sat around. Towards the end of the night, however, our married friends decided they wanted to get in an argument, which resulted in the cops coming and taking the husband away. : ( It wasn’t pleasant and very awkward to witness it all. I’m sure they will work out it in the end though.
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