Whoo hoo! Another year older. Last Saturday I turned… yup- 28. oh so close to 30! But, I will not admit it. Not yet anyway. Yesterday was the first time I said ‘28’ out loud. That was weird. And sounds so old. But- I had a wonderful birthday so it was great.
My co-workers took me out Friday night, where I ran into quite a few other people, good and bad. Saturday night I went out with more friends and had a wonderful time again. I also realized, at 28, I’m too old to go out all night, all weekend, drinking. Sunday was rough.
And of course, along with a birthday comes presents. My mom and dad got me the new, white, 32gb iPhone 4S, which is amazing. And a phone case/cover that is also a charger. It rocks! I got some brown ‘texas winter’ boots, and some cash, that I spent on 2 shirts and perfume so far. (there’s a little left over, I can’t decide what I want).
I have a new friend, and he sent me these cute flowers, and a hoodie (If you can’t guess, he’s in the Army and didn’t like that I said I often wear a Marine hoodie… oops!)
And then at work, we all have ‘birthday buddies’ and mine happens to also be a good friend, Kari. She bought me kalaches and a really cute pink scarf.
And now, I feel like I should show pics. So- enjoy haha.
Viva la Juicy by Coture :) |