Monday, August 27, 2012


Everyone's adjusting to the new move pretty well.
Here's a small clip of my happy furbabies. Austynn was so excited the cat, Rusty, finally let her pet him that she demanded I take a picture of it.


Friday, August 10, 2012


This week I am linking up today with Heather from Blonde... Undercover Blonde for Friday's Book Club.

It's been a while since I was able to join book club Friday.  This week, I read a free kindle book:

A priest, who’s sister was murdered five years ago, gets a startling confession by an unsuspecting criminal.  This causes Michael Jerome to dig up any old news he can find that relates to his sister’s death and the investigation in search of answers.  The plot thickens as more people get involved in the cover-up of his sister’s death.  It twists and turns and will leave you hanging to the very last page- who hired the hitman to kill Katherine? 


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer 2012

Summer 2012 has definitely been one for the books. I graduated college. And I moved out of my town, back to my home town that I haven't lived in for nearly 11 years. It's different for sure. I quit my job I've had for 6 years and am starting a new one next week. I had a miscarriage. But- I'm back. With school out of the way I have time to read for fun, and blog again. And read all your blogs. Expect a pictures blog to be up shortly. Photobucket