My greatest pride of the most recent is when I taught Austynn to ride a 2 weekends ago, withOUT training wheels. Truly an amazing experience. I forgot that riding a bike isn't easy when you first learn. I don't even remember learning to ride a bike. I have heard the phrase often about getting back up and trying again when you fall, just like riding a bike. I never paid much attention to the saying, until this weekend. Austynn fell probably more than 100 times. and each and every time, she got up and tried again. We spent the entire day Saturday outside from sun up to sun down. We did take a few hours break to run out to the Sea Center and look at fish and learn how fish are hatched there. It was really informative, maybe more so for me than then, but whatev. lol did YOU KNOWWWWW a red drum can have over 60 million eggs per day? Not all turn into fish, but a lot do. When they release the baby fish into the wild, 4% survive. When a fish in the wild has eggs that turn into fish, they only have a 1% survival rate. but- anyway- back to the bike story.
I bragged on her all day about how proud I am of her constantly getting up and trying. She never gave up. well, she sorta did a lot. She'd throw the bike down, cross her arms, sit on the ground and stick out her bottom lip. but that would last less than 10 seconds, and then she'd get up and try again. Her struggle was taking off on the bike. And she still needs to learn to stop, but we'll work on that.
Check it out:::::