Monday, June 29, 2015

Coleton WEEK!!

I love going to watch Coleton play soccer. He loves playing Goalie. I got a couple videos of his action plays! Notice in part of the video, he really hurt his fingers. His fingers bent backwards and they hurt for most of the morning after. (although he can be a hypochodriac so who knows if they REALLY hurt... )

This kid is so sweet. Sometimes we have "Julie and Coleton" days and we just hang out and watch movies together.  He really loves it. WE did that a few weeks ago and watched "Lucy".  Now he wants to watch "Robocop" so I think we might do that int he next week or so sometime.  HE sure does enjoy his time away from his sisters lol. 

Coleton helped us work on the flooring in the new house for the weekend. He never complained once, and sometimes I forgot to feed him because he never mentioned he's hungry. Oops!! (Same reason I can't keep a plant alive, they don't ask for food!!) we also watched Robocop this go-round too. :) 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

It's all about Austynn WEEK!

These kids are freaking hilarous! We are outside on Easter Sunday playing. The kids and I are riding the golf cart around the neighborhood and having a grand ole time! All of a sudden Austynn comes running past us going "I have to poop. I have to poop. It's coming in and out. I have to poop!" HAHAHAHA.

Austynn is so talented. She loves to sing, and last week she even wrote her own song!

Poor Austynn has had a rough day! on Tuesday, 4/7/15, She got a headache that turned into a migraine at school that morning. She got stung by a bee that afternoon. that evening, she somehow managed to grab ahold of a pot that was cooking food, spill it on herself, and get a nasty burn on her upper thigh. It's so hard when they are at this age and you can't just hold them in your arms 24 hours a day and protect them. And she's only in 1st grade!

Here she is playing at the park. :) Thank goodness for video cameras lol.

A few weeks ago Austynn won at the local StoryTelling competition for local private schools so she got to go to STATE. State was held at Ft. Worth this weekend and she tried hard but didn't win. She actually didn't want to win. When they announced the winners, she jumps up and told everyone god job, and even thanked the announcer over and over again for NOT picking her. She's so silly!! 

The kids came over for a few min and after they left I found a sweet note from

5/10 Mothers Day. We spent the afternoon riding around the neighborhood in the golf cart. 

Austynn called me to ask if she can spend the night. She said she never gets to spend time with me and really wanted to. I told her no but that in the morning I would get her and she can stay Saturday night. Saturday morning I couldn't find her. She calls me from my mom's
And asks if I'm ready for her. I picked her up and we went to get pedicures, went to the mall, chuck e cheese, and then just hung out. Later on she text her mom and told her she was having the time of her life!! Ah made my day because to me it wasn't anything special we did, we just spent time together. Then  Later on my mom sent me this text. 

June 5 -
On the way to Alivia's graduation, Austynn says "Man. I'm sweating my balls off." I asked what color balls she had and why she is sweating on them.  She said "Not that kind of balls." so I Asked what kind and she said "um... Bubba, you tell her. You know about this better than I do."

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Ok so I was very hungry FRIDAY night and I didn't know what I wanted. I had a very limited supply of food in the house so I just sort of fixed it all.

Chicken nachos. Yes please!
Taquitos. Yes please!
Regular nachos with picante sauce. Oh yes please!

I may have eaten like 1/2 of one plate and then let the dogs have a feast. This was a clear example of my eyes being way bigger than my stomach. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015


I enjoy working only minutes from my home.  I get to come home every day during lunch and spend some quality time with my babies.  I was able to capture this awesome moment with all of them! (can you tell, they were wanting the food I was eating). 

Dude is such a mamma's boy. He follows me around from time to time and wants to lay right on top of me. Sometimes he follows me to the bathroom and sits at my feet. 

And this picture - Sweet Maggie was so eager to go for a car ride with me. Little did she know, she was going to the Vet's office for a check-up.  She stared out the door the entire time we waited. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

It's all about BRYNNLEI week!

Brynnlei's favorite thing to say when you say something to her that catches her attention, "What you said?" It's hard not to life when she says that to you when she overhears her name in a conversation. "What you said?"

oh - and Brynnlei has had this boyfriend, Noah, for a few months at school (yes - they are 3. I don't think she's gone on any dates yet. :P ) The other day in general conversation, this happens between her and her mom.

B: Noah is no longer my boyfriend.
Momma: He's not? why not?
B: We had a fight. (she says this like it's no big deal!!).
Momma: Oh yea? What happened?
B: I took his toy.

I guess it's not that upsetting to her when she talks about how she has 3 boyfriends anyway. Probably makes it easier to start weeding out the weak ones now.

Brynnlei has such a cute BFF. It surprises me to see her like this at 3. Ironically, we recently discovered that her best friend is my boss's daughter. I think this might help me when I decide to ask for a raise ;) Her and her bff Becky-boo are inseperable when they are together. They go to school together, they will be both going to a new school together next year, and now they go to church together. This is them together at a Princess Party in March, and then again at an Easter Egg hunt in April.

5/10/15. Here she is on Mother's Day. Always running around naked! 

5/25/15: Stay little, please!! Today is Memorial Day. B prefers to be called B now instead of Brynnlei. She has a new neighbor, Rowdy. He's an older boy (maybe about 5 or 6 years old??) the last couple of weeks she's been calling him "Babe" a lot 2 weeks ago she said "I love you" when he was going home from her house. And now she's kissing him!! My 3 year old niece kissed her first boy. An older boy. Rowdy. Oh lord...

June 5 - 
we are in serious serious trouble now.  On the way to my cousin, Alivia's graduation, Candis tells me that B played "I'll show you mine if you show me yours'.  oh no!!! *Face palm* and then I'm talking to B about her boyfriend, and I asked if Rowdy has kissed her and she said yes. She told me he kissed her on her arm.  How sweet. so I asked if she kissed him back and she said yes. I asked if she kissed him on his arm and she shook her head.  I guessed other places and she kept shaking her head. I asked her where and she pointed between her legs.  wtf?!!  
I had to turn my head and burst out laughing, while trying to tell her no.  that's not a spot to kiss boys.  Then Austynn told he she hasn't kissed a boy yet, so that's good.  wow.  so glad I don't have to have this conversation with my 3-year old. I feel bad for her parents.  :P

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Chicken Alfredo

Not sure what to name it. It's just a mixture of my awesome seasoned chicken, and Alfredo noodles. This has to be like the best taste ever! At least for this meal it was oh my gosh so freaking Delish!!

I seasoned my chicken like I normally do.  

Chicken breasts
Coat the chicken in Mayo.  Season with Mrs. Dash, Salt, Pepper, Lemon Pepper. I then put the chicken in ziplock back and cover it 1/2 full with Zesty Italian Dressing, and the other 1/2 with Lemon juice.  I let it sit for at least 20 minutes, then throw the chicken on the skillet and cook (I pour the left over juices from the bag into the pan with the chicken so that it doesn't dry up). 
Cook the Alfredo noodles according to the package.
Mix chicken in with Alfredo noodles.

I often make season the chicken in bulk and freeze 3-4 chicken breasts per plastic bag, so I can pull it out quickly to cook.  You can coat in flour and fry and have amazing chicken nuggets/strips.  You can bake, broil, etc!  I also grill this on the George Foreman and mix it in with my salads. 

Lil old lady down the road

I met this cute little old lady next door last weekend.  OMG I want to be her friend.  She invited me into her home and just started talking about her daughter (who is 71) and her daughter's boyfriend.  She is so friendly. 

She has heart troubles and the dr doesn't thinks he will live much longer.  I could see the tears in her eyes and the hurt in her voice when she mentioned that. I decided I was going to cook her some dinner and come back later on.  What do you cook someone? I'm not very good at that.

I decided to go with Roast.

By the way, she is 91, living on her own, still able to drive and do everything herself. Her car and her house were bought in the same year, 1966. and her car has ONLY 17,000 miles on it.  impressive, Rose!

I think I will spend my evenings letting her talk to me.  She once owned a restaurant here in town and has LOTS of stories she hasn't finished telling yet.

* UPDATE 7/13/15:
sweet Rose passed away yesterday. She had a heart attack in her sleep, and the neighbor found her when Rose didn't show up at their house that morning like she does every other morning.  I saw 5 cop cars there for ove an hour, then the Ambulance came and stayed for a long time until the funeral home came and picked her up.  She was so sweet!


My papaw had a stroke.  Several of them...

On June 2, 2015:
Mom is still at the hospital with Dad.  He isn’t getting released until Wednesday, June 3.  She asked me to bring her some clothes and bring dad some clothes he could wear when he leaves.  I went by mom’s house and checked on Papaw while getting their belongings.  He didn't look too good. His face looked real slouchy and droopy.  When I try to talk to him he couldn't talk, his words were slurred and long. Hey was ‘heeeyyyyy’. It appeared to me like he had just had a stroke of some sort.  I was really concerned.

I went ahead and packed mom and dad’s stuff and went outside and asked Pete to come in and look at Papaw.  He dealt with his dad having a stroke and was better equipped at what to do. He even called his friend’s mom who is a nurse and had her help us determine this. 

He came in and had Papaw raise his arms to see how high they would go.  We had him talk to us and asked him questions about himself like what his name was when he was born when his birthday was. He knew all the answers but he still didn't seem quite right. We decided to leave because I didn't know what else to do.   I got down the street and I had this bad feeling so I turned around and went back and checked on him again. His face wasn't as droopy when I got back as it was the first time I saw him. I decided to call mom and ask when Sheila was coming out to check on him. She said Sheila was on her way so I wait until Sheila got there. I told her about everything that I noticed with Papaw.  His face, his words.  She said that's normal and his face normally looks like that. I didn't think so, but she spends every day with him so I figured she would know better than I would. We went ahead and left, heading toward Bay City to give mom her stuff. It was a 40 minute drive from Angleton to Bay City. The moment I walked into the hospital room, Sheila had called my mom and told Mom that she doesn't think  Papaw is ok.  she thinks something is wrong with Papaw. I told mom exactly what I noticed when I was there, and  what was going on. She decided to call an ambulance so I had to rush back home to meet the ambulance or to take care of hospital stuff. Mom wasn’t able to leave dad and James was out of town so I had to be the one to handle all the hospital experience. Five minutes away from the hospital, Bo calls me to tell me that Papaw was just admitted that he's got the admission paperwork ready for me.As soon as I walked in the hospital he greeted me at the door and sign the paperwork and walked me over to Papaw’s bed area. It was a long ordeal.  All night long the nurses didn't know what they were doing the doctor didn't seem to know what he was doing.  Nurses wanted to repeat tests because they didn't document correctly. Luckily I was there to help advocate for Papaw.  I actually kept a log of everytime a nurse came in, what they did, and what they said.  It came in handy. I watched them  give him a catheter and that was traumatizing. I heard him crying in pain because it hurts so bad. They didn't give him any pain meds but they documented that they did so he went the whole evening without pain meds.  About 12:30 AM, they finally moved him to an actual room and out of the ER room.  Nurses came in shortly after to ask me questions about his health and other things about him.  They argued about his medicines he was talking, insisting I was wrong (like they would know over me?? One of the nurses initially entered it wrong so now I didn’t know what I was talking about).  I told them what I've noticed about him throughout the evening. I even told them how he had several mini-strokes while we were there and no one seemed to even care. I didn't leave the hospital until after 5 AM only to be at work three hours later.

He ended up staying in the hospital for nearly a week until the following Monday when we transferred him to a nursing home under hospice care in Bellville. I've seen him once since he’s been there and Aunt Jeanne goes and visits him regularly when she sees Grandma Ruth.  James and Dad and Coleton have seen him a few times. He seems to be doing ok.

Papaw was diagnosed with kidney failure, prostate cancer, colon cancer,  90% blockage of an artery in his brain.  He's had several many small strokes (they call it TIA)that day.   He's had strokes in the past and has had a severe stroke years ago that I just found out about. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015


June 20. 

Mmm. Really don't have a lot to post about this. Other than my baby grilled some delicious steak on the grill. I did the garlic bread. Yay me!! :-)

Friday, June 12, 2015


Dad had an accident at work. May 31.


I think I've cursed my family… 
Every time I say somebody's going to get hurt it ends up happening.  In July, I wanted to test that theory so I made sure I didn't say anything about anyone.   I couldn't bear the thought of hurting someone else. 

February my brother broke his back/tail bone while playing on one of the kids’ toys.
March my mom messed up her back and couldn’t move for a week.
March Austynn got a severe 2° burn on her leg
April I had horrible neck inflammation where I couldn't move for two days and I was crying in pain the entire two days it hurts so bad. I went to the dr three times, skipped work for two days, barely move for weeks. The Chiropractor did X-rays and said it looked like I got a bad sprain; the same kind of injury someone would get from a car wreck when they get bad whiplash. I don’t know what I did, but I have NEVER had this much pain in my neck before. Not even during my accident. 
Shortly after that, I made the comment that to Candis that Dad needs to take care of himself because it seems like it would be his turn to get hurt. I didn’t think much of it. 
We almost made it through May.  And then, on the very last day, May 31, this happens:

Mom calls me upset  at about 11:30 AM.  It's a Sunday and me and Pete had just pulled into Lake Hardware to buy stuff to work on the house.  She tells me that Dad was in an accident at work. He had fallen down some stairs flat on his face and he's got a broken nose, and not sure what else. An ambulance transported him to a hospital in Bay City. Later that afternoon mom sent me and James a list of things she wanted us to bring to her, since she was going to stay up there with Dad at the hospital. Me and James drove up there Sunday evening to see dad. He looked horrible.  His nose is all bloodied; his forehead was bloody; his eyes were bloodshot. You could see it in his face that he was in excruciating pain. I didn't want to make eye contact with him because I kept thinking how horrible he's got to be feeling And bad looking At him.
It was great for all four of us to be together in the same room to sit and talk and know that we're all OK.

He had to have nose surgery Monday after arriving.    Dad ended up staying in the hospital until Wednesday evening.  They sent him home he was OK and he was on pain meds because he was in a lot of pain.

What we now know:
He was walking up a flight of stairs carrying 50 pound weight for work.  He ended up blacking out, falling face first onto the concrete. He was on the bottom stairs so he fell about 6 feet total.  His head hit his gun he was holding.  All the bones in his nose shattered through his forehead. He ripped out a chunk of meat from forehead from his gun hitting it. He was able to become alert right after the fall, and used his radio to call for an ambulance to come get him. Two months later he still diagnosed with concussion symptoms and he's also diagnosed with PTSD and has to go see a second neurologist. He also has to see a cardiologist.

 Top two are right after he was at hospital.  Bottom left is that evening.  Bottom right is Monday after his surgery.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

me me me

Can I just do one conceited post about me?  I took these all pretty recently. (within the month of May).