Of course her personality has to shine through in all that she does. After the pastor Aaron dunked her, her mom and dad helped raise her up. This symbolizes that they will always be there to help lift her up and guide her through her faith. THEN, then she decided to dunk herself. haha. Double insurance, if you will. The pastor said in all his years he's never seen something like that before, but he loved it. It was great.
Also, this was our weekly discussion:
Sunday morning lessons don’t always apply directly to me,
or get me to thinking. Part of this
lesson I felt like that. First time
since I’ve been going to church this year that I didn’t think the lesson was
talking directly to me. But I know it
was. And It might later if it doesn’t
much this time.
Still talking about the Sermon on the Mount; Matthew
7:13-14. “Enter through the narrow gate;
for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there
are many who enter it. For the gate is
small and the way is a narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find
Many people travel wide spiritual intersections that lead
to destruction. People assume that by trying to do more good than bad that will
help them get into Heaven. That’s not true.
Our bad will always outweigh our good deeds. Doing good isn’t the way. Yes, you should “do good”, as a Christian you
want to strive to be like Jesus every day.
But just doing good isn’t your ticket to heaven.
Few people travel the narrow spiritual road that leads to
spiritual life. This is the time to make
a u-turn down the wrong road and head toward the narrow road of Jesus.
Jesus is THE way.
He isn’t a way. He is THE
way. Doing good isn’t heading toward
Jesus. Doing Good and believing, and
praying, and showing others is heading toward Jesus. There is only one way to God – through Jesus. Grow to be more like him every day. John 14:6; Romans 6:23; Romans 10:9. You are
driving off a bridge that is out and you don’t even know it. DANGER – slow down
and follow Jesus. Don’t be in such a
rush to follow the crowd and get where they are going. Be specific. Your choices
do matter. Not all ways will lead to
Jesus. WAKE UP!
Thank you for another beautiful day. Lord, hear my heart and forgive me for my
sins. I want to know you and grow strong
in your knowledge. Lord, please guide me
to be more like you. Amen.