Monday, March 12, 2012

Healthy Days

Today is my 4th day of going to the gym. I know that doesn't sound like a lot of days, but it is when you consider that
1) I get up at 5 am three days a week to hit the gym before work
2) I count my calories and this is hard since I love unhealthy food
3) I am not a morning person
4) on the two weekdays I don't get up at 5 am, I go to Zumba

I've been searching pinterest for healthy meals to cook, but nothing looks like it tastes good.  I will just stick to the routine I'm in now, and weigh myself once a week and watch the numbers drop until I hit my goal of losing 15 pounds by summer.  



Heather said...

Are you on My Fitness Pal?

Stephanie @ henry happened said...

yay for you! I'm so not a morning person either so I know how hard 5am can be. Don't you just love zumba??