Monday, April 2, 2012

Sad Day

Ever have something that makes you feel, different? Free? Unique? Un-like your character? I did, once. I bought a motorcycle on the spur of the moment, and found it to be amazingly thrilling whenever I rode it. But, I made a deal with my mom once so I had to stop riding it. My brother and dad swung by my place to pick it up because my brother could sell trees to a logger, and I was having trouble selling the bike on my own (not that I really tried too much either). It was sad watching them load up.

RIP, Gretchen.



Heather said...

Geez, you made that promise YEARS ago. It's about time!

The Pink Growl said...

Aw i'm sure it was bittersweet for you! I love it when I see girls riding sport bikes.