Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September Photo A Day- week 1

Once a week in September I will dump my photos on here. I decided to participate in the "Photo a Day" this month by Fat Mum Slim.

Sept 6: "Every day" Every day I drive past this short little statue, Stephen F. Austin.

 Sept 5:  "Bright". 

Sept 4:  "In my mailbox" This is my inbox at work.  I'm never quick enough to get to the mailbox at home.

Sept 3: "Far away" I'm driving through town, far away from the salon to get my eye brows waxed on this Labor Day. 

Sept 2: "Father".  My dad and brother went to a gun show today, and of course, they bought some guns.  Dad is super excited for his new toys.

Sept 1: "You, now"  This is me, getting ready for work

1 comment:

Heather said...

You look super skinny!!