Friday, November 9, 2012

The Wife of Reilly

I have to admit, I didn’t read what this book was about before I started reading it. I typically pick my books based on if the cover picture looks appealing or not. Prudence Malone lives in New York with her husband Reilly, who is more like a roommate than a lover. One a weekend trip to her Alma Mater with a few girlfriends in Michigan, she runs into her college sweetheart, who dumped her with no explanation 15 years ago. When the college sweetheart asks her out to dinner, she blurts out that that her husband is dead. After an unforgettable weekend together, Matt impulsively proposes to Prudence. Prudence, with the help of her three best friends, set out on a new mission: to find Reilly a new wife. She feels bad to divorce Reilly and leave him wife-less. Prudence is an extremely fashionable, and even more extremely self-involved in herself. This was a good, easy book to read and it kept me interested as Prudence is not unlike a lot of women, confused about where her heart belongs. As her life takes a 180-degree turn from one way of life to another, you will begin to root for Prudence and wonder what is it she is really after, after all?


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