Friday, January 25, 2013

No Easy Day

It took me a while to read the following, because the first 3/4 of the book was quite dull to me.  The last quarter caught my attention and went by fast though. 

One of the members from the Navy SEAL Team 6 that raided the Osama bin Laden compound back in the spring of 2011 tells his story from the first-person narrative.  Although this book leads you to think it’s all about that raid, in fact, the first ¾ of the book talks about other raids and what being a SEAL meant to him.  It was informative, but dull.  The last quarter of the page is when the real action happens.  That is why you bought this book to begin with, to read about that one raid in particular.  It’s amazing to read the training that went into a raid that will make history.  It’s amazing to read his view-point on what actually happened, facts that the public wasn’t really told about.  I think this is a great book, but because of the stories that stray away from the main point of this book, I would only rate it maybe a 3 out of 5. 

Some of my favorite quotes from the book:

“Sometimes something random can save your life.”
“Train like you fight”  - as in, don’t go into battle (of any sorts) with something you haven’t used for before and expect to know what to do.
“It takes only one time to screw things up.”  - one mistake, one time can ruin a whole lifetime of happiness, and a lifetime of someone else’s happiness.  Think of consequences before you proceed with your impulses.
“Don’t just live, but live for a purpose bigger than yourself.”
“There’s no honor in sending people to die for something you won’t even fight for yourself.” 

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