Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Birthdays are still fun

It's my birthday!!!! 

Spent the day at work. My co-workers remembered my bday all week last week, and we even had cake last Friday. Today, they forgot. And I was not going to remind them either. They remembered 1/2 way through. I got a balloon and Reece's from them. :) my sweet BFF and I went out to lunch and she didn't even tell them it was my birthday, which was great!!! I was a bit worried about that. 

Got flowers from a friend of mine. 3 pink and 1 red to equal my age, 31. Cleverness right there. 

My mom and Austynn got me a HUGE box of nerds, my aunt got mr a bag of hot cocoa, and I bought myself a pretty pretty ring from Jared's, and my sweet SIL got me a sapphire necklace from Kay's. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


*** meant to past back in July, when I had a husband and when this moment happened*** 

Who doesn't love kisses? My sweet B let her sister put lipstick on and then she puckered up. 

Following this, she begged to come to my house, just to see my husband. 

I'm sitting on their couch and me and here mom are talking about my two Bo's and little Bo's birthday. She heard the mention of Bo, ran outside and jumped in my car saying "I go your house. I see Boa (she adds a little "a" sound to the end of his name, super adorbs). We finally got her out has when I did leave she threw a fit at my car again. All just to see Bo. I had to promise she can see him this weekend so that I could leave. 

Another year for her

Happy 7th birthday to my Austynn. She has turned into such a beautiful young girl. Her heart is pure gold and she's not afraid of anything (except roaches). She was finally tall enough to ride almost every ride at the fair last month, which had been her wish for years. She went on Every one that she was able to. I was scared for her. 

She plays soccer and is pretty good at it too!! She learned how to do cartwheels and does them ever moment she can. Even on the soccer field she's running and doing cartwheels instead of always chasing after the ball. What a goober!! Her 7th birthday was at the skating rink. It was a blast! Plus it was her first party that she actually had classmates and teammates come to; it didn't JUST have family. 

(She also got a mini iPad for her bday from her Nina). 

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Fault In Our Stars:

I’ve been wanting to read this book for quite a while; before it was known it would be a movie, but I never could bring myself to read something that was going to be inevitably sad.  Since the movie has come out and so many people have praised it, I decided it’s time to jump on the band wagon and read the book.  I won’t watch the movie because I don’t want to knowingly watch something that will make me ball my eyes out.  At least with the book, when I knew a sad part was coming I could put it in the freezer for  awhile and then get it back out when I’m not so invested in the moment.  (anyone get the freezer reference?  Hint: Friends.).  That wasn’t the  case though. I didn’t end up putting my kindle in the freezer because I couldn’t put the book down. Period.
The Fault In our Stars was an amazing love story about a teenager who loves poetry and has cancer, who ends up befriending (and falling in love) with a teenage boy who has cancer and shares her same love for poetry and literature.  The story takes you on a journey of a teenager’s mindset when she has to deal with the thought of dying so young, leaving he parents behind. Would her parents still be parents if their only child died?  How will the boy she now loves deal with losing another lover one so early?  Even though their love may end early, they have their own infinite love for their own lifetime. 
If only we could all be so lucky to find that kind of love, whether for a fleeting moment or for 80 more years.  This book was FILLED with amazing quotes, and to share just a few of my favorite:
“Sometimes people don’t understand the promises they’re making when they make them,”  This is in reference to a moment when one cancer patient got dumped by the woman who promised to love him forever.  We all make promises in the moment, forgetting about all that we may have to endure in the future.  
“I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” What an amazing way to describe falling in love.  It does sneak up on us doesn’t it? 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Just Listen

Just Listen

I’m just sure I like Sarah Dessen. I read her books every once in a while but they are all the same and really geared towards teenagers.
Annabelle is a teenager who’s mother pushes her to model, who’s two older sisters are models and have their own issues that push back on Annabelle, and who’s father puts up with it all.  She had best friends once, but a nasty rumor left her friendless.  Through the struggles, she becomes friends with a non-socialable boy named Owen.  Throughout the year, the truth slowly comes out about what really happened to Annabelle and Sophie’s boyfriend, Will Cash.  She probably wasn’t his first victim, and definitely was not his last.  Now that Emily has come forward and press charges, maybe people will just listen to Annabelle finally tell her side of the story to her former friends. Can they ever be friends again?
This was a good book. Annabelle went through something that a lot of girls have to deal with. She also kept quiet about the rape, similar to other girls. I hope this book will bring to light the seriousness of the situation and help girls come forward when someone violates them.