Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Birthdays are still fun

It's my birthday!!!! 

Spent the day at work. My co-workers remembered my bday all week last week, and we even had cake last Friday. Today, they forgot. And I was not going to remind them either. They remembered 1/2 way through. I got a balloon and Reece's from them. :) my sweet BFF and I went out to lunch and she didn't even tell them it was my birthday, which was great!!! I was a bit worried about that. 

Got flowers from a friend of mine. 3 pink and 1 red to equal my age, 31. Cleverness right there. 

My mom and Austynn got me a HUGE box of nerds, my aunt got mr a bag of hot cocoa, and I bought myself a pretty pretty ring from Jared's, and my sweet SIL got me a sapphire necklace from Kay's. 

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