Friday, September 9, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday


Linking up today for Fill in the Blank Friday with Lauren.  Check out her site.

1.   Somewhere someone is  doing the exact same thing as me, only living in a different country, speaking a different language.

2.   silly kids is/are my muse.

3.  It would suck if    my iphone    was no more because,  I wouldn't know what to do with all the extra time I have a red lights.

4.    seeing my BFF (Heather) today for a long needed lunch  is/are my favorite thing about today.

5.  Life is kind of like    an unread book.  you have no idea what the next page is going to be until you get to it.

6.  If I could have anything I wanted I would want  to finish school asap and move closer to home!!

7.  A funny thing happened the other day...    I saw a shooting star and my crazy 3 year old niece made her wish 'I wish my heart was made of ice cream'   



Heather said...

YAY! I can't wait for lunch.

I wish you were already living here too.

And I love Austynn's crazy quotes!!!

Lindsay Eryn said...

'I wish my heart was made of ice cream.'

That is beyond awesome. :)

(Found you through the Fill in the Blank Friday link up! Keep posting, friend!)