Friday, May 1, 2015

Rescued Rocky

A few weeks ago we had a storm come through like none we have seen before.  It rained pretty bad, but for about 1-2 minutes (and that was a LONG 1-2 minutes!!!!) we had 75+ mph wind along with golf-ball sized hail come down.  I ended up with only one broken window from it, surprisingly. It sounded like we were in a tornado, or inside a war-zone being attacked.  me and the dogs were pacing around FREAKING the heck out.  A tornado was spotted on the ground about 2 blocks from my house, and I'm pretty positive it went through my yard too.  Terrifying.

After the storm, 2 days later, Pete noticed a dead baby squirrel on the ground.  When he went to look at it, it moved.  Of course, my motherly instinct kicked in and I went and got it, wrapped it in blankets, gave it a bath because it as filthy (and covered with maggots, poor thing), went to the store and bought him formula and bottle fed him. I loved him and held him for about 4-5 hours.  until he died.  I was very sad because Rocky would have been a great sweet pet to keep.

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