Thursday, February 13, 2014

Beyond Tuesday Morning

I am definitely becoming a new fan of Karen Kingsbury. I didn’t know her books had such religious affiliates to it, but it is definitely a great read and helped me with some of my own issues with God and myself. 

Beyond Tuesday Morning is the second book in the 9/11 series, coming after “One Tuesday Morning” when the Twin Towers were attacked on September 11, 2001.  

Jamie and Laura have learned to live with their final news they learned about, 3 months after the terrorist attacks.  Laura’s husband was alive, and had finally remembered who he is and wanted to return home.  Jamie’s husband died doing what he loved best, savings others. 

 Three years later, Laura is still loving every moment with her new-found husband Erik, who learned a lot from Jake, the man that once loved Jamie and looks just like him.  Jamie and Sierra have re-adjusted to life without Jake.  Jamie volunteers at a memorial for 9/11.  One day on her way to work, she was held at gun-point by several punks.  Little did she know, but earlier on her ferry ride she caught the attention if an off-duty officer who was from California.  He noticed the men and confronted them, saving her life.  They spent every day together for the next three weeks while Clay enjoyed his vacation/training in the Big Apple.  When they discover who they both really are, can Jamie overcome her sadness from her husband’s death and be happy? Can Clay accept the role that Jamie once played in Clay’s family’s life 3 years earlier?  This is a great story of love and God’s love for all of us. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Adventure Time

Today has been an adventure. I woke up at 6 with Brynnlei.  We took a Nap by 10:30. We took her to the mall where we pissed off the cleaning lady. Who closes off the bathroom to a busy mall during the day?! B is potty-training so when she says she has to go, we went in even though it was blocked off. Lady kept trying to kick us out. Then we set off the emergency alarm at Academy for a good 2 minutes. Then she got herself dizzy and ran into a metal pole. Lol

Monday, February 3, 2014

One Tuesday Morning

One Tuesday Morning is nothing like I expected to read; like nothing I has read. Karen Kingsbury is not an author I am familiar with. Her writing is wonderful in this great book.

Jamie and Jake have a beautiful 4 year old daughter, Sierra.  Jake is a firefighter for FDNY.  On Sundays, Jake and Sierra go to church together and pray together. Jake reads his bible daily and updates his journal as he reads the bible.  Jamie, who was once a believer, lost both her parents in a car crash, and since then, lost her faith in God. 

Laura and Eric have 8 year old son, Josh.  They live in a California.  Eric is an over-achiever at work and never has a moment to spend with his family.  Laura is a doting wife he is tired of trying to make her relationship with her husband, who is like a stranger living in her house, work. 

On a day in Eric had an important business meeting in New York City.  September 11, 2001, Eric is working on the 61st floor of the South Tower, when he sees a plane flying too low, and then crashing into the North World Trade Center.  Shortly after, he is alerted that their building is on fire on a higher floor and they need to evacuate the building. 

Jake's unit is called, along with all other New York units to run to the World Trade Centers and control the erratic plane and fires. Jake's unit is assigned to run up and clear all floors up to the 64th floor.  On Jake's trek up the floors, he runs into a stranger, Eric, and helps him up.  Eric and Jake stared at each other, and it was as if they are looking in the mirror; they could have been twins! Eric saw Jake's helmet with a picture and name, Sierra written on it.  Jake continued up and Eric continued to the ground.  Shortly after, we all know what happens: the towers collapse. 

Laura and Jamie see this on the news and immediately start calling everyone they can to get in contact with their husbands.  As the women live through the moments of this day and the following days, we read through their struggles and turmoil of dealing with their tragedies.

I rate this a 5 of 5.  wow this is an intense book. It definitely opened my eyes to some of the moments that happened on this terrible day that we don't think about.  The family.