Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine's Day 2015

Valentine’s day means different things to different people. To some, it’s a day to cook for your loved ones, to go out and celebrate being together. To some, it’s a sad day of mourning a loved one, and to others, it’s just another normal day.  
I’ve never been big on the day, but enjoy getting the one I love something small, just to say ‘hey, I appreciate having you around’.  We all need that reminder throughout the year. I really wish there were more days similar during the year, only with less hallmark expectations.  My Valentine’s day this year is one I’ve never experienced before. 
My boyfriend’s dad passed away just over a month ago. He donated his body to science, so there was no funeral.  One if my boyfriend’s siblings lives in another state, and since there was no funeral, the decided to have a family get-together/memorial at the next best time the out-of-state brother can come to town, which just happened to fall on Valentine’s day.  I haven’t had to deal with someone my age lose a parent before.  It’s really hard.  We all gathered for the day at a sister’s house and a few friends of my boyfriend’s also came to show support. We sat around visiting, laughing, eating more food than I can imagine, and reminiscing. Overall, it was a pretty great day, considering.  We hit a couple bumpy spots during all of it, but it was still good.
Since our Valentine’s day was planned with that, Pete decided to treat me to an early VDay.  He bought me a one-hour massage, and even made the reservations. I get home from work one day last week, and he says “hurry up. Let’s go. I have a surprise for you.”  Best place EVER to get a massage.  He also had ½ dozen roses delivered to me at work, and got an extra rose for me when I came home.  I cooked my awesome pork chops for dinner and it was great.  Happy 2015 Valentine’s Day.

Here's a pic of me and Pete and his wonderful friends who a) drove 3 hours to be with him for this and 2) ended up skipping his quad rugby game for Pete. Amazing friends that will do that. (nevermind the random dude who looks like he' staring at my boobs... Probably because the look entirely lopsided in this picture. haha )

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Maybe Someday

It took me a little over a week to finish this book, but mostly because I read when I’m laying down for bed and within 20-30 minutes I’m asleep, sometimes with my book still in hand.

When 16-year old Kate has an asthma attack, she has visions of the future. No one seems to believe her until she imagines a random girl committing suicide. She recognized a picture the girl has. It is of the boy she has a crush on. He believes her because he doesn't want to risk not believing her. Kate ends up saving Inez life that day. She also has visions of her sister's husband killing her. Her family doesn't believe her, until Mason tries to kill Kate. Is it too late?? Can Kate save her sister's life?  

I shall rate this A 4 out of 5. It definitely couture my attention And I was able to read through it fast. 

i am eager to see what happens in the next book 
I’m not sure of my opinion on it. On Goodreads, I rated it a 3 out of 4. Part of this book I hated and was getting pissed off at, and then part of it I was crying and laughing along with them and cheering for Ridge and Sydney.

May contain Spoilers:
Sydney goes outside most evenings, relaxing on her balcony, to secretly listen to her neighbor play his guitar. Ridge goes outside to relax on his balcony while playing his guitar, to secretly watch Sydney mouth lyrics to his songs. One day Ridge gets the nerve to ask Sydney for her number so he can text him. He needs help writing lyrics to his music, and can see that she has some made up.

A week later (on her birthday), Ridge confesses that he has watched Sydney’s boyfriend cheat on her with her roommate. Sydney punches both her roommate and boyfriend, then moves out. Now it’s her birthday, it’s raining, and she’s homeless. Ridge offers her a room at his apartment until she can get on her feet.

After a week of Sydney and Ridge talking, writing music together, and getting to know each other, they begin to develop feelings for each other. And them Maggie shows up. Ridge fails to tell Sydney that he has had a girlfriend for the past FIVE years. Sydney forgives him and tries to move on, but when Maggie isn’t around, the two still seriously flirt and cross lines with each other in a romantic sense. (This is where I begin to get pissed. You see, you don’t know much of my history, but I was married. And my husband did this same thing behind my back. She was aware of me and they continued to flirt, and flirting leads to feelings, and feelings lead to romanticness, and then you think this THING you are feeling is worth risking everything you’ve built with the one you are with currently).

Long story short, Maggie ends up finding out about Ridge and Sydney, forgives him for having feelings for someone else, but doesn’t forgive him, and they break up. Ridge and Sydney are both hurt over the ordeal but manage to find a way back into each other’s lives months later.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Talking to your kids

Let me gives you some advice if you have toddlers: Be careful what you say / how you explain things to your children, especially if they are the type to repeat what you say.

For example: (I am going to try to keep this as clean as possible)- My niece gets up in the middle of the night sometimes and crawls in bed with my brother and sister-in-law. One day my niece is talking to my mom and she said she has a bobo, and her daddy kisses it when it hurts, but she doesn't always kiss daddy's bobo, then she went on telling her about this scary dream she had. and she was going on and on about what happened in the dream. then she mentioned that she got up and went into her parents room. and saw something a child should probably not see. and my sister-in-law explained what was going on by using the bobo analogy. Hope she doesn't mention this at her school. Her CHRISTIAN school she just started.

Sisterr-in-law was mortified when we told her the story of what Austynn had said.  I was laughing hysterically.  and wishing I NEVER EVER heard that story...