Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I want Julie!!

Sweet B got used to hanging out with me recently, so when they drove by my house and saw I wasn't home, she threw this fit.  She just wanted me!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

She dressed herself

This kid right here. OMG.  Too cute for words.  She is usually very stylish, but today, she decided to let her inner spunk take over when she got dressed. 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

BABY SHOWER -crafting is fun

My sweet baby cousin (the youngest of the 11 of us), is pregnant with her first child, a boy.

They like blue, and hunting.  So I made this cute baby blanket for her ... I mean him. :)

I had to post a couple pics from the shower too, just because everything was so cute.