Friday, January 25, 2013

No Easy Day

It took me a while to read the following, because the first 3/4 of the book was quite dull to me.  The last quarter caught my attention and went by fast though. 

One of the members from the Navy SEAL Team 6 that raided the Osama bin Laden compound back in the spring of 2011 tells his story from the first-person narrative.  Although this book leads you to think it’s all about that raid, in fact, the first ¾ of the book talks about other raids and what being a SEAL meant to him.  It was informative, but dull.  The last quarter of the page is when the real action happens.  That is why you bought this book to begin with, to read about that one raid in particular.  It’s amazing to read the training that went into a raid that will make history.  It’s amazing to read his view-point on what actually happened, facts that the public wasn’t really told about.  I think this is a great book, but because of the stories that stray away from the main point of this book, I would only rate it maybe a 3 out of 5. 

Some of my favorite quotes from the book:

“Sometimes something random can save your life.”
“Train like you fight”  - as in, don’t go into battle (of any sorts) with something you haven’t used for before and expect to know what to do.
“It takes only one time to screw things up.”  - one mistake, one time can ruin a whole lifetime of happiness, and a lifetime of someone else’s happiness.  Think of consequences before you proceed with your impulses.
“Don’t just live, but live for a purpose bigger than yourself.”
“There’s no honor in sending people to die for something you won’t even fight for yourself.” 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I like surprises


It’s happened. Something that my parents have given up hope on has finally happened. I am getting MARRIED. It’s obvious my parents weren’t expecting this from me - My mom even thanked Bo for this hahaha. We went to the movies on 12/23/12 and watched “The Reacher” with Tom Cruise. It was a pretty good movie too. When we left the movies Bo looked over at me and whispered in my ear “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” And then he pulled out the ring and asked if I would marry him. Of course I said yes. He didn’t get down on his knee, which I’m actually glad. I’m not a fan of drawing attention to me, and it’s too traditional that way. I like things different. We then walked around the mall and went to a furniture store and picked out our furniture and appliances for our future house lol. We spent a lot of money (in my plans). When I got home, mom and Candis were in the kitchen cooking, preparing our Christmas dinner (yes, it’s 2 days before Christmas, but due to schedules this was our Christmas night). I just waved my hand in Candis’s face asking if she needed help. She then grabbed my hand, smiled and said ‘Susan. Look at this!’ mom saw it, hugged me, cried a little and whispered ‘good. I like Bo.’ Haha. Then Bo walked in and mom hugged him and told him ‘thank you’. She’s such a sap. Gotta love her! James didn’t say anything about it. He just stood there. I’m not sure what his take is on it really. He did just meet Bo the day before for a quick minute. To him, Bo’s a new guy. And my brother was really quite fond of my ex and he was disappointed that we ended things. Dad just shook his hand and said “you’d do anything to get your hands on that AR I showed you!” (AR=nice huge gun that my dad and Bo were playing with). It was funny. I’m happy. And excited. And I think they are too. Now I have to tell other family…


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2012 review

I ended 2012 with a lot of first time experiences. And new adventures. Saving the best for last, here's a brief flashback:
-Went skiing in another state (snow and mountains in Texas?? yea...) on my first date with Bo
-learned how to do taxes- professionally
-got pregnant
-got a new job (worked for my previous employer for 6 years)
-graduated college
-had a miscarriage
-moved cities (that city felt like home) causing me to leave behind wonderful awesome friends
-watched my baby niece Brynnlei learn to talk, and say my name "Jujee" (even before she could say momma) -GOT ENGAGED to Bo. :)
-spent New Years weekend with Bo and my future step-kids

Wow. Ok check it out. I know you want to. Notice the cute butterfly on either side?! Adorable!! And he says no one helped him pick it out either. Way to go, Bo. Now who wants to plan my wedding (mind you I'm always broke). JK. Maybe.


Monday, January 7, 2013

New Years Eve, 2012

Ending the year 2012 and starting 2013 I spend the evening with Candis, and a few of her friends. I met up with her at her house where Austynn begged me to stay and play. I told her when I get home, which would be way late, I'd stay the night so she would see me in the morning. She assured me shed be awake when I got home. Lol. Later, my brother sent a picture and a message that said "I put Austynn in her room and later couldn't find her. I went outside and saw her sitting on the porch staring at your car. Waiting. "Too funny. She was asleep when I got to her house. But I carried her from the couch to her bed and crawled in bed and slept with her like I promised still.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy Birthday, handsome man

This week (on 1/2/13) my handsome nephew turned the big 0-9. For his ninth birthday I bought him a water hose. Not your every day hose though. This one is "magical". It fits in your pocket until you use it. Then it expands to 50 feet. When you are done it shrinks back. Mom got him 2 big packs of batteries. What sounds like a lame gift is exactly what he gets excited for. I love that goofy boy.

