Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mothers Day 2014


On Friday before Mother’s day, I received a card in the mail from my mom (who lives in the same town as me, who I see almost once a week at least).  I opened it, and it was a Mother’s Day Card. I’m not technically a mother, but I did inherit 3 stepkids, so I have the step “mom” title.  The card was sweet.  I thought nothing more about it.  I’m not a mom. 


Sunday morning (Mother’s Day), the first words out of Bo’s mouth is “Happy Mother’s Day”. He was acknowledging my hard work as the stepmom and my mother-role in our family.  It was sweet!  Not what I expected. I’m not a mom. 


We went out with his family to celebrate his mom, Nini, and sister as mothers.  We then went out to dinner with my parents. (We celebrated my family’s mother’s day the night before).  That evening, I get a phone call from my sweet kids who wanted to tell me Happy Mother’s Day.  Melted my heart.  They were acknowledging me as one of their moms.  I won’t compare myself to the role their actual mom has, but it’s still great to know I have been accepted and everyone knows that as a stepmom, we are still a mom/caregiver to our children.  When we went to bed that night, the last words Bo told me again was “Happy Mother’s Day”.  It’s been great! 


Three days later, a friend of mine had mailed something to me that also said “Happy Mother’s Day”. And he hasn’t even MET my family yet.  Made me smile again.

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