Monday, September 28, 2015

I Will Grow Together With Others

Another beautiful day for church!  I woke up Sunday morning to the sound of rain hitting my window.  I love rainy days.  I love them even more when I can lay in bed under the blanket and cuddle with my sweet doggies (and kitty).  But, never-the-less, It's Sunday. I will love this rainy day even more by sitting with my family and listening to another great message at church.  My poor pups refused to go outside in the yard in the rain, so one by one, I put a leash on them, I stood on the front porch, and let them roam the front yard. They don't seem to mind getting wet if they are getting a treat.  Being in the front yard is always a treat for them. Spoiled babies!! 

This week's lesson was about growing in Christ with others.  Humans are made to have relationships with other humans. We aren't supposed to be alone. 

Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
      Acts 2:46-47.  "Everyday they continued to meet together... They broke bread in their homes and ate together..." 

We must connect through RELATIONSHIPS.  The life of faith is lived individually, but it is not lived out alone.  You need people as you walk and grow in Christ.  You need those that sharpen you and help you group.  We are not called to grow in isolation.  1 out of 5 people who do not join a church group will leave the church within 5 years.  Those are serious statistics, people!  If you don't get involved, if you don't find friends that are like-minded and can hold you accountable, what is going to keep you coming back for more, week after week?  If you don't build relationships with the very people you are worshiping with on Sunday, what is keeping you coming back every week? It makes it easier to slip and miss one week, then two, and before you know it, half a year has passed by without you stepping foot inside the church.  No one from the church has called to check on you, because you chose not to get involved so no one knows your name.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.  The Power of relationships.

We must connect through MINISTRY. Know -> Go -> Grow.  There are many people in our lives in today's world (thanks to social media and the power of the internet in our hands), but we are having less contact with them.  our quantity is greater than our quality.  But it should be the other way around.  It should be: Quality > Quantity.  Change this!
2 Timothy 4:2-3 and Galations 5: 13-14

We must connect through TEACHING. Everyone is called to serve one another (server, waiter, roofer, etc).  We need to work together in a ministry for God.  Something great will happen when you come together and minister.  Join a small group; you can get lost in a large group.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 1 Timothy 4:12-13.  All Scripture is God-Breathed. 

An example of working together is the Golden-Plover.  This bird flies from Alaska to Hawaii every year in groups.  There is no where to stop along the route, so when the leader gets tired and winded, they will fly to the back of the group and a new leader will take over.  They are working together as a small group to get to their destination.  Power of relationships. It can save your life.  

 This week's challenge: Allow yourself to connect and build strong, connected relationships in small groups.  I WILL. 

Help me to become a part of a christian group to grow an learn in you.  To develop relationships with like-minded Christians who all have one goal in mind- you.  Give me the strength and courage to join.  -Amen

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