Friday, March 15, 2013

Life as we Knew it

I love the website Pixel of Ink.  I follow them on facebook so I am always reminded of the free books they find through Amazon.  I found another series, and it is pretty interesting.


It’s a relatively easy read. The first night when reading it, I remember waking up the next morning and looking out my window, thinking I was experiencing the same thing I was reading in the book. I enjoyed the boo, however the downfall of reading this is it is written in the format of a 16-year old girl’s diary. Which can be funny at times, because I can relate to some of her thinking – one entry ‘I hate my family’ and the next day ‘I have the best family in the world’.

16-year old Miranda’s world changes forever when a meteor hits the moon, knocking it out of obit and closer to the earth. This causes catastrophic events to occur. With a quick-thinking mom, she pulls her kids out of school the day after and they rush to the grocery story to stock-pile on canned food and water, as well as pet food for Horton, their cat. As the days go by, they are left practically starving and freezing, fighting for their lives as tsunamis wipe away a vast majority of land, electricity goes out permanently, and volcanoes erupt all across the world, causing the sun to hide behind the cloud of ash. Miranda learns the value of love and family, as she tries to keep everyone alive when others become helpless.

Like I said earlier, this was a good read. I was anxious to see what was next to happen for their survival, but it seemed to be pretty steady throughout the entire book, once the plot was given out. This is book 1 of 4, and I do intend to give the 2nd book a try as well. I am rating this a book 3 out of 5 because some parts were just boring to me, and not a lot of excitement was happening.

I am planning reading the next book to see how it goes, regardless of my lower rating.  It was still good.

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