Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It's baby time!

I love babies.I also love buying baby stuff.  Two of my awesome friends have had babies in May and I went to their baby showers. I always give the same general gifts, and then I have to incorporate some special 'home made' stuff as well. It's more personal I suppose.

One of my friends, Kari and her husband are huge Bearkat fans.  They go to all the Sam Houston State football games as well as baseball games.  They also are huge into comics.  Their baby, Logan, is the Wolverine's real name, so I wanted to go with a Wolverine theme.  I couldn't find Wolverine fabric anywhere locally, so I couldn't stick with it.

I made this awesome blanket for them in Sam Houston colors.  This way, they can take it to games and keep the baby boy warm. I made a blue one for Jeanette. but forgot to get a picture of it.

I took a regular paper box, covered it with fabric that went with their theme, and used that as my gift box. Turned out pretty great.

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