Sunday, February 1, 2015

Talking to your kids

Let me gives you some advice if you have toddlers: Be careful what you say / how you explain things to your children, especially if they are the type to repeat what you say.

For example: (I am going to try to keep this as clean as possible)- My niece gets up in the middle of the night sometimes and crawls in bed with my brother and sister-in-law. One day my niece is talking to my mom and she said she has a bobo, and her daddy kisses it when it hurts, but she doesn't always kiss daddy's bobo, then she went on telling her about this scary dream she had. and she was going on and on about what happened in the dream. then she mentioned that she got up and went into her parents room. and saw something a child should probably not see. and my sister-in-law explained what was going on by using the bobo analogy. Hope she doesn't mention this at her school. Her CHRISTIAN school she just started.

Sisterr-in-law was mortified when we told her the story of what Austynn had said.  I was laughing hysterically.  and wishing I NEVER EVER heard that story... 

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