Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oh, how pinteresting

Today, I'm in the mood for some funnies. I am linking up with Michelle from The Vintage Apple
to conduct another week of Oh, How Pinteresting.

This is exactly what I always want to say to this dumb question!

I'm pretty sure these are meant to be in my truck

I have caught my dog like this before, too bad no camera was around.
and yes- my blinds look about like that too.



Unknown said...

I could use a bunch of those you suck at partying cards.

Kelly said...

hahahaha the picking up the assholes one was great but sort of sad! lol. thanks for the laughs this morning

Diana said...

My husband and I always get upset when we ask for coke and they say if pepsi is ok? it's like "what?", they are not even the same nor do they taste the same. hahaha

Alyssa said...

Hahahaha, I've seen the one about the assholes before! Too funny!! I think I even sent it to my mom too haha!

Unknown said...

I feel the same about coke! I also ask for Dr. Pepper next. Pepsi tastes too sweet and flat. YUCK!!

Anonymous said...

hahah so funny. i love the parking one.