Friday, March 2, 2012

can you believe it?

I sure can't believe it myself! I'm a coke addict, but today I am 2 months sober. whoo hoo! and by coke, I totally mean the red drink in a can/bottle, Coca-Cola. I have had some Barq's Rootbeer occassionally, because sometimes I just get tired of pure water. But- that's not coke. and I don't even crave it anymore. I'm so proud of myself.

Knowing that i went 2 months without coke, I decided to go a month without chocolate. I have started trying each day this week, and I have failed, each day this week. This will be a work in progress.



Heather said...

I made it from September 10 until February 29 without caffeine. I only had it then because the baby wasn't moving and I wanted to give her an energy jolt, haha. And plus, it was leap day, so it didn't really happen, right? Right???

Nikki said...

Oh girl I feel you! I've been 2 months without Mt. Dew!

Amy said...

Well done! I'm totally addicted to Coke! xx