Friday, June 12, 2015


Dad had an accident at work. May 31.


I think I've cursed my family… 
Every time I say somebody's going to get hurt it ends up happening.  In July, I wanted to test that theory so I made sure I didn't say anything about anyone.   I couldn't bear the thought of hurting someone else. 

February my brother broke his back/tail bone while playing on one of the kids’ toys.
March my mom messed up her back and couldn’t move for a week.
March Austynn got a severe 2° burn on her leg
April I had horrible neck inflammation where I couldn't move for two days and I was crying in pain the entire two days it hurts so bad. I went to the dr three times, skipped work for two days, barely move for weeks. The Chiropractor did X-rays and said it looked like I got a bad sprain; the same kind of injury someone would get from a car wreck when they get bad whiplash. I don’t know what I did, but I have NEVER had this much pain in my neck before. Not even during my accident. 
Shortly after that, I made the comment that to Candis that Dad needs to take care of himself because it seems like it would be his turn to get hurt. I didn’t think much of it. 
We almost made it through May.  And then, on the very last day, May 31, this happens:

Mom calls me upset  at about 11:30 AM.  It's a Sunday and me and Pete had just pulled into Lake Hardware to buy stuff to work on the house.  She tells me that Dad was in an accident at work. He had fallen down some stairs flat on his face and he's got a broken nose, and not sure what else. An ambulance transported him to a hospital in Bay City. Later that afternoon mom sent me and James a list of things she wanted us to bring to her, since she was going to stay up there with Dad at the hospital. Me and James drove up there Sunday evening to see dad. He looked horrible.  His nose is all bloodied; his forehead was bloody; his eyes were bloodshot. You could see it in his face that he was in excruciating pain. I didn't want to make eye contact with him because I kept thinking how horrible he's got to be feeling And bad looking At him.
It was great for all four of us to be together in the same room to sit and talk and know that we're all OK.

He had to have nose surgery Monday after arriving.    Dad ended up staying in the hospital until Wednesday evening.  They sent him home he was OK and he was on pain meds because he was in a lot of pain.

What we now know:
He was walking up a flight of stairs carrying 50 pound weight for work.  He ended up blacking out, falling face first onto the concrete. He was on the bottom stairs so he fell about 6 feet total.  His head hit his gun he was holding.  All the bones in his nose shattered through his forehead. He ripped out a chunk of meat from forehead from his gun hitting it. He was able to become alert right after the fall, and used his radio to call for an ambulance to come get him. Two months later he still diagnosed with concussion symptoms and he's also diagnosed with PTSD and has to go see a second neurologist. He also has to see a cardiologist.

 Top two are right after he was at hospital.  Bottom left is that evening.  Bottom right is Monday after his surgery.


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