Friday, October 14, 2011

Where have I been?!

I know! I know. I've been a little absent lately. I normally get on here during the week, however, at work we all get slammed hard the last couple of weeks, and I don't even have time to drink my hot chocolate anymore!! (I know it's only 80-90's degrees right now, but it's freeeezing in the office so it's justified, right?!)With working too much, and doing school stuff and tax stuff on the evenings, and a lot of family and friend events on the weekend, it's hard to fit everything in that I need. I'll try to do better, promise.

This past weekend me and my aunt threw a 'Meet the Baby' Baby Shower for the family, for my sister-in-law, Candis, and her beautiful baby Brynnlei. I took a few pictures. It turned out really well. I came up with this great idea that each person that showed up would paint, or decorate, a letter in her name, and we would write a message on the back and sign it. I was really impressed that the talent everyone showed. Austynn (who will be 4 in less than a month-EEK!!) wanted to paint her letter red, so she dumped a whole bottle of paint on it. bahaha. Then she wanted to add a little bit of yellow, so she dumped a bottle of yellow, on top of the 4 inch thick wet red she had on there already. Her letter, when we touched it up after she was finished, turned out to be a baby blue color. she had the 'L'.

She's totally smiling at me, at only 1 month and 1 day old ;)

Excuse my 'ladies'.  the angle this pic was taken, I was not prepared for

And this was taken at an earlier date, I just LOVE how the photo came out!!  This was on my way to work one morning.



Unknown said...

Such a cute idea with the letters!

And great pictures! Such cute kids!

And hot chocolate is always justified!

Heather said...

She's already a month old?! No way...

I love the letters idea!!