Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekend Re-cap

This weekend was a busy one, yet non-productive at the same time.

Saturday while in the middle of writing a paper for one class and reading a book for another, I decided I wanted an afternoon snack. I made S'more cookies. and O..EM..GEE.. amazing. seriously. wow. don't make a lot at one time, or you'll eat them all. at one time.

S'more Cookies          

I also did some cleaning.  and bathed the doggies.  Sunday I met up with my friend I made when I went to Australia last year.  She came to America for a couple of weeks and spent her final weekend just outside of Houston.  That was nice. Guess now it's my turn to go back to Sydney to see her next year. oh darn!! ha.


1 comment:

Heather said...

Already planning to go back to Australia!?